SYDNEY: Parramatta based software company and leader in ICT services, Adactin Group, is delighted to announce its third award in as many weeks, being ranked in the Deloitte 2018 Technology Fast 50 Australia Awards. The company was ranked in this Award in 2016 and 2017 and this year was placed 16th.


Co-founder and CEO Navneesh Garg said the Deloitte award was especially noteworthy. “This is recognition for both our approach to technology and to the way we deliver our business, but in particular to the way we have grown the company to meet evolving customer needs. Deloitte themselves note how companies ranked in the Fast 50 highlight those which are changing the way we buy insurance, buy food, cosmetics, mountain bikes and real estate, while also changing the way we recruit, hire and promote women in the workplace. Adactin is constantly evolving the ways technology delivers efficiencies and returns for our customers.”


The award reflects strongly on the growth strategy put in place over two years ago and on the focus by all in the company to see that strategy carried out. In particular it is a positive reflection on the strong customer focus which is core to what Adactin is about. Navneesh noted “It can be a cliché but it’s a truism nonetheless – the customer is the centre of what we do, and our focus on serving them lies at the centre of our success. You might say that the Deloitte award recognises our restless and continuous search for ways to exceed what our customers expect of us.”


Adactin is an Australian software consulting company that addresses a wide range of opportunities and needs in the ICT sector, but with a core competency, and thought leadership position built around the science of IT development and testing application development.