Energy & Utilities

Energy & Utilities

Driving the process and technology

Adactin is one of the leading IT consulting and service providers for the energy and utility industry, transforming the operations with its vast expertise across the entire value chain. Our service area includes retail, smart grid, customer service, energy management, asset management, field service, network operations, energy trading, and risk management. We have designed our solutions with a wide-ranging experience and focus on advanced technologies that include cloud computing, big data analytics, automation, predictive analytics, artificial intelligence, and mobility to assist businesses to transform their conventional way of serving the industry. Be it compliance, customer experience, or operational performance, you can rely on us for result-driven assistance across multiple business areas.

The Adactin Services and Solutions

We are committed to creating new opportunities for our customers through the innovative energy and utility solutions. We work with energy and utility providers across the globe and provide advanced and world-leading digital technologies, services, and end-to-end solutions that enable businesses to digitalise their business processes with confidence. Through our connected infrastructure, workforce, and supply chain management offerings, we assist you to drive operational excellence, leverage assets, unlock complexity, and create new business opportunities. Here’s a list of collective services and solutions we provide.

Smart grid has proven out to be a huge transformation with its perspective to reduce costs and improve operations in customer service, retail, outage management, network operations, and asset management in the modern energy and utility industry. Adactin, with its advanced IT solutions capabilities, enables smart grid deployments to transform business processes and leverage real-time insight and control. This empowers utilities to deliver smart grid business case. Our smart grid expertise domains are the following.

  • Smart metering implementation and integration
  • Smart meter asset and operations management
  • Analytics for customer operations
  • Analytics for reliability and network operations

Today’s socially connected world demands a gratifying customer experience as an important quality while delivering industry-specific core services. We work in conjunction with various leading utility companies, providing mobility, social media, and analytics innovation to drive the change in ways that are meaningful to their customers. We understand the significance of customer service and therefore implement customer empowerment, operational excellence, and improved customer relationships methodologies through the following.

  • Customer splitting
  • Predictive Analytics
  • Multi-channel customer service
  • Integrated customer communication
  • Social media monitoring and analysis

In the past few years, energy management has witnessed rising energy prices, a controlled grid, and climate change which collectively resulted in its eminent need. Also, the technological drift at the same phase has driven innovation in energy management services and solutions. Adactin assists businesses to conceptualize and deliver successful energy management services with a vast expertise in the following.

  • Energy efficiency and demand response
  • Renewable energy programs
  • Consumer energy management
  • Analytics for program improvement

Modern businesses adapt to altering customer expectations, competition, market reforms, and regulations which require customer information and billing operations to be as stringent as possible. Adactin assists energy and utility industry to improve their billing cycle time, improve precision, and greater flexibility by providing businesses with advanced self-service options, smooth rollout of smart metering, and new products and services. We have got proven expertise in the following domains.

  • Customer account management
  • Billing and invoicing
  • Credit and payment
  • Service order management
  • Products and services

Adactin understands the significance of energy trading for maintaining a reliable supply of electricity and gas and in order to sustain low costs. With our industry-specific expertise and experience, we leverage utilities to streamline their wholesale trading and risk management operations through our following capabilities.

  • Trading
  • Risk management
  • Contract management
  • Scheduling
  • Settlements

Power of choice

As a reliable service provider, AEMO has to implement changes that arise from a number of Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) inter-related rule modifications flowing from the Power of Choice (POC) review of 1 December 2017. Adactin has helped AEMO design and establish a POC implementation program to deploy these rule changes, encompassing the following work streams.

  • AEMO procedural development workstream

Defines the required changes to electricity retail market procedures

  • B2B procedural development workstream

Facilitates the required changes and updates to the B2B procedures

  • Systems development workstream

Designs, develops, implements, and test changes to AEMO’s retail market systems

  • Readiness
    Coordinates, assists, and prepares industry and AEMO for the commencement of revised arrangements, to monitor and to generate reports on preparation efforts.