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Low - code / No - code

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    In today’s fast-paced business landscape, agility and speed are paramount. Organisations need to innovate, automate, and deliver solutions quickly to stay competitive. This is where low-code and no-code platforms come into play, revolutionising the way businesses build applications and streamline processes. The focus will shift from application development to assembly and integration. According to Gartner’s recent research, by 2025, 70% of new apps built by enterprises would use low-code or no-code technologies, up from less than 25% in 2020.

    What are Low-Code and No-Code Platforms? 

    A Low-Code Development Platform (LCDP) is a tool that makes creating software applications easier through a user-friendly interface. With an LCDP, you can build functional applications without writing lots of code, although some situations may require a bit of coding.

    A “no-code platform” is a user-friendly set of tools that allows anyone, regardless of coding experience, to create computer programs and applications without writing code. It simplifies the process by providing a visual interface where you can design and build software by dragging and dropping components, making it accessible to everyone, from business professionals to entrepreneurs. No-code platforms empower you to transform your ideas into functional software solutions quickly and easily, without the need for traditional coding.

    Is Low-Code/No-Code Right for Your Business?

    Low-code and no-code platforms are ideal for businesses aiming to accelerate application development, reduce costs, and empower non-technical users. Assess your project complexity, resource availability, and customisation needs to determine the best fit. These platforms offer rapid solutions, making them a valuable choice for businesses seeking innovation and efficiency.

    Get Started Today with Adactin

     Get started with our low-code app development in Sydney, Australia and experience the ease of automated processes and personalized app building.  

    Adactin helps companies to determine if low-code or no-code is right for your business based on below  considerations.

     Resource Constraints

    •  Limited Development Resources: If your business lacks a dedicated development team or has limited resources for custom software development, low-code/no-code platforms can empower on developers to create applications.
    • Speed of Development: If your business requires rapid development and deployment of applications, low-code/no-code platforms can significantly shorten the development lifecycle.

    Complexity of Applications

    • Simple to Moderate Complexity: Low-code platforms are well-suited for applications with straightforward logic and user interfaces. If your business needs simple or moderately complex  applications, these platforms can be a good fit.
    • High Complexity: For highly complex applications with intricate business logic and advanced functionalities, traditional development may still be necessary. Evaluate the capabilities of the low-code/no-code platform to ensure it can meet your application’s  complexity requirements.

    Customisation Requirements

    •  Need for Customisation: If your business requires highly customised solutions, evaluate whether the low-code/no-code platform allows the level of customisation you need. Some platforms may  have limitations in terms of extensibility.


    • Scalability Needs: Consider the scalability requirements of your applications. While low-code/no-code platforms are suitable for many use cases, they may have limitations when it comes to scaling for large enterprises or handling a high volume of transactions.

    Security and Compliance

    •  Security Concerns: Evaluate the security features of the low-code/no-code platform. If your business deals with sensitive data or operates in a highly regulated industry, ensure that the platform  complies with relevant security and compliance standards.

    Learning Curve

    •  User Skill Level: Assess the technical proficiency of your users. No-code platforms, in particular, are designed to be accessible to users with minimal technical expertise. If your team consists of business analysts or subject matter experts, a no-code platform may be more appropriate.

    Total Cost of Ownership

    • Initial and Ongoing Costs: Consider the total cost of ownership, including licensing fees, training costs, and ongoing support. While low-code/no-code platforms can accelerate development, it’s  essential to weigh the costs against the benefits.

    Vendor Support

    • Vendor Reputation: Choose a reputable vendor with a track record of providing reliable support and regular updates. Vendor support is crucial, especially when addressing issues, implementing updates, or expanding your usage of the platform

    Low-code and No-code platforms can be beneficial for businesses with specific needs, especially those looking to streamline development processes, reduce costs, and empower non-developers to create applications.

    Ready to experience the benefits of low-code development? Experience the joy of coding without coding!

    Contact us to learn more about how our low-code and no-code platform can empower your organisation to innovate and excel in the digital age.