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DevOps & DevSecOps

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    Redefine Software Delivery to Innovate faster

    Dev(dev) and Ops (Operations) is the key to achieve the high level of agility and efficiency. The DevOps collaboration provides a culture of continous improvement which helps in error free deployments and reliability of the systems. Adactin DevOps is all about breaking down silos and fostering cross-functional collaboration and communication. Embrace the DevOps to enhance your IT operations. Our DevOps services enpowers organisations to innovate, accelerate your time to market and ensuring the services reach the client faster and reliably.

    DevOps adoption has taken off, transforming the software factory and revolutionising application delivery. By redefining culture and leveraging advanced automation to facilitate DevOps, today’s practitioners are rapidly translating ideas into breakthrough applications.

    Maintaining stability while releasing new features is one challenge that many software companies find it tough to overcome. Having to wait for other people/machines to solve issues can cause a lot of frustration and unhappiness that could decrease your productivity. Our DevOps services are designed to prevent such situations by standardising the production processes and automating deployments.

    Continuous Integration

    Infrastructure Deployment

    Environment Management

    Consistent Monitoring

    Continuous Delivery

    Deployment and Performance

    Integrated testing

    Automated DevOps Solutions

    Harness the power of agile and DevOps with advanced automated solutions.

    Manage Agilely

    Redefine how software is planned, executed and serviced to fast-forward innovation.

    Operate Agilely

    Optimise user experience with actionable insights fueled by analytics.

    Deliver Continuously

    Develop, test and release faster, accelerating time to market with a total end-to-end solution.

    Test Continuosly

    Quality is measured almost instantaneously when your test assets support a continuous delivery model. This includes functional, integration, performance and security testing.

    DevOps services can help you in


    DevSecOps is the practice of integrating security into a continuous integration, continuous delivery, and continuous deployment pipeline. DevSecOps is about embedding security into the DevOps culture and workflow, enabling organisations to build and deploy more secure software faster and more efficiently. It’s an ongoing process that requires continuous improvement and adaptation to changing threats and technologies.

    To implement DevSecOps, teams should 

    With DevSecOps, security should be applied to each phase of the typical DevOps pipeline:

    Plan, build, test, monitor, operate, and deploy.