It’s time to mix it up and reflect on your WFH routine

The idea of rolling out of your bed, walking to your kitchen, making a cup of coffee and walking down the hallway and then being in your office can be incredibly attractive. Working from home has a lot of perks, but just like Uncle Ben said to Peter Parker (from Spiderman) “With great power comes great responsibility”, we must remain vigilant and disciplined, of course, occasional goofing around is advised.

For most of us, who are fortunate enough to be working from home, this is a new experience. This experience comes with unbelievable perks, such as being your own boss; except for our better half, little and not so little bundle(s) of joy. Plus with the social restrictions, there is certainly no place like home.

Put some clothes on

Yes, one of the perks of WFH is wearing anything and being comfortable in our own familiar space. However, the idea is not to dress to showcase your finest linen but rather the mindset it brings to the table. You will be surprised at the difference it makes to switch your beast work mode on.

Sit on your work throne

While it may be very tempting to work from your cosy bed or sofa,DON’T! In pursuit of creating a positive environment, it is crucial to have a designated workspace. Not only is it more ergonomic but also a great source of creating a productive environment for work. No wonder everyone at Westeros was after the coveted Iron throne.

Follow your schedule

We are all prone to distractions, wandering minds are not uncommon for all of us. Needless to say, this can get in the way of our responsibilities. Simply setting a schedule is as good as a piece of paper hanging on the wall, being our boss means we must be disciplined enough to follow through. Be sure to also set aside adequate time for breaks and recuperate lost energy, to avoid burnouts. Here are some tools to get you started Trello, Clickup, Monday, Sling.


Let’s get talking

WFH has many perks but it can get lonely at times. The office is not only a place for work but is also a major part of our social life. Classic office debates about shows, latest news or viral phenomenon are a welcome distraction to break up the working day where time allows. This helps elevate the much-needed pressure off from work, creates bonds and relationships. However, working from home has created a physical barrier to such interactions.

Virtual lunches, coffee break chats or team catch-ups are ways around this barrier. This can be separate from your regular team meetings, and can simply chat over a coffee and talk about what’s happening in your life as you would in the office. Ideally, avoid talking about potentially negative news subjects – keep it upbeat and social. And on Friday evenings you can have a team informal catch-up session to quickly discuss the week’s activities, share jokes, personal achievements and plans.

Balance it out

Turning on your internal switch may be a challenging task in itself but what can be equally challenging with WFH arrangements is switching off and going back to your personal life.

If you really enjoy your work, your mind like all good things tends to say “keep working”. You are right there you might as well get the work done, right? This unclear line between work and life can be a dangerous thing, It can result in burnouts and lead to neglecting your responsibilities as a family member. Plus with the social restrictions, it is important to be in a balanced mental and physical stage, and yes don’t be too hard on yourself and remember we are all in this together.

Add these aspects to your WFH routine, mix it up and take the next step in productivity and positivity!

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