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Performance Testing

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    Ensure that your website or application is user-friendly and delivers a seamless digital experience for your customers. Adactin’s performance testing in Sydney, Australia involves detailed analysis to improve the functionality of your website to guarantee a seamless website experience without your website failing or loading for your potential customer. Let us shape your customer’s first digital impression to a positive one!

    There are various types of performance testing including:

    • Stress Testing
    • Load Testing
    • Spike Testing
    • Endurance Testing
    • Volume Testing
    • Scalability Testing

    At Adactin, we undergo various steps for performance testing:

    • Requirements & Analysis
    • Strategy & Planning
    • Benchmarking
    • Script Design & Creation and Environmental Verification
    • Execution, Load, Stress, Volume
    • Performance Analysis
    • Process Assessment and Performance Validation

    At Adactin, the performance testing process begins with identifying tools, planning and designing the test by determining the criteria for test acceptance and benchmarks.

    Tools that we utilise in testing the performance include:

    • HP Loadrunner
    • IBM Rational Performance Tester
    • Radview Webload
    • Borland Silk Performer
    • Open Source (JMETER, Open STA)

    The final steps include identifying areas of improvement.

    With these thorough steps, Adactin guarantees identifying all areas of improvement and bottlenecks to help build Customer’s trust, sales and heighten overall productivity.

    Reasons to Execute Performance Testing
    Performance testing establishes the accuracy of throughput, scalability, reliability and responsiveness of a system under a specific workload.

    Performance testing is usually executed in order to achieve the following:

    • Evaluating production readiness
    • Assessing against performance parameters
    • Comparison of performance of numerous systems or configurations of systems
    • Locating the basis of performance-related issues
    • Tuning the Support methods
    • Locating throughput stages
    • Establishing conformity with performance objectives and requisites
    • Encompassing other performance associates’ statistics to assist stakeholders in formulating informed decisions
    • To guarantee the hardware configuration suitability for the performance of the application.